Here to help you improve your mental health

About Me

Hi, thanks for visiting my website. My name is Jeff and I’m a person-centred counsellor, combining CBT elements as needed.

I’m registered with the BACP and offer sessions via the phone, online, or face to face in my home which is in the Clwydian hills between Mold and Ruthin.

I also offer nature therapy, weather-permitting. 


I deal with all aspects of mental health and have much experience with anxiety, depression, stress, lack of self-esteem, narcissistic parents, and issues from childhood amongst a wider range of issues.

I have a higher diploma in Person Centred Counselling from Wrexham Glyndwr University with further training in CBT and telephone and online counselling.

I have extensive experience working with clients from a variety of employment backgrounds such as local government, NHS, IT industry, veterinary industry and catering.

Since you are viewing a counselling website, you may need to speak to somebody urgently and I encourage you to do that, even if it isn’t me.

Speaking to a counsellor can help you explore and clarify your feelings and emotions in a private, confidential, supportive setting.

For counselling, I charge £45 for a 50 minute session for waged, £40 for retired, and £30 for students and unwaged.

Management Support

I worked for over 30 years in local government, mainly as a senior manager. In that time I came across most management problems and have dealt with many staff with mental health issues. I found this aspect of my manager role very rewarding, and this led me to a second career as a counsellor.

If you are struggling in work, whether managing down or up, I am very happy to offer guidance, support and advice to help you explore your options and decide on appropriate courses of action.

For management guidance, I charge £45 for 50 minutes, although this can be split into smaller blocks.

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